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Dr. Payal R. Dande

Dr. Payal R. Dande

Assistant Professor

Areas of specialization:
Pharmacognosy & Pharmaceutical management

Additional Qualification: PGDPM

Industry: 02 years

Administration: 02 years

Academic: 14 years 7 months

Interest areas:

Dr. Payal Dande has keen interest in herbal formulation and evaluation. She has expertise in isolation and analysis of phytochemicals. Her research work includes finding new leads in the area of inflammation, CVS, diabetes, obesity and cancer. She has also developed herbal formulation for dandruff, hyperpigmentation and birth control.


  • Won 3rd prize for the Paper presentation at the National Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of AYUSH Sponsored "National Conference on "Tinospora cordifolia for Socioeconomic Empowerment" organized by Government College of Pharmacy, Amravati held on 23rd September 2022.
  • Guided the student who won the certificate and trophy for Oral paper presentation in the SERB Sponsored National Conference on "'Nanomedicine and Artificial Intelligence: Past, Present and Future” held on 23rd and 24th July 2022.
  • Won the first prize for "Model Digital Lecture Award (MDL)" competition organized for Pharmacy and Engineering faculty of SVKM’s NMIMS schools across Mumbai, Shirpur and Hyderabad campuses on October 2020.
  • Won the prestigious "Teaching Excellence Award” second time for excellence in teaching on 2nd August 2019 at University convocation ceremony by the hands of Vice Chancellor Dr Rajan Saxena and Chief Guest Mr Sanjay Murdeshwar, Chairman and Managing Director, Novartis, India for the year 2018-19.
  • StoodTop Performer in the Faculty development Program on "Mentoring Education to Mentors”by IIT Bombay on May 2018 to July 2018.
  • StoodTop Performer and became eligible for SAP Award for Excellence in the recently conducted Faculty development Program on "Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning”by IIT Bombay.
  • Nominated to be the workshop coordinator for faculty development programme conducted by IIT Bombay
  • Won the prestigious "Teaching Excellence Award” in August 2014 for excellence in teaching at University convocation ceremony.
  • Received University Foreign Travel grant for presenting my research paper at International conference held at Kualalumpur Malaysia in the 2011-12.
  • Ranked University Gold medallist for M.Pharm in Pharmacognosy

Number of Publications: 21

Recent Publications:

  1. "Protective effect of a polyherbal bioactive fraction in Polythiouracil-induced thyroid toxicity in rats by modulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axes”, published in "Toxicology Reports”
  2. "Cardioprotective potential ofSpinacia oleracea(Spinach) against isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in rats” Published inArchivesof Physiology & Biochemistry, online on September 2019.
  3. "Consumption ofSpinacia Oleracea(spinach) and aerobic exercise controls obesity in rats by an inhibitory action on pancreatic lipase” published in "Archives of Physiology & Biochemistry” on September 2018.

Professional memberships:

  • Phytochemical Society of Europe
  • APTI
  • IPA
  • Invited Executive member of the APTI Maharashtra branch for the period 2022-27.

  • Executive member of the 72ndIPC (Indian Pharmaceutical Congress).

Other achievements/ Trainings:
Participated in the National Conference on "Application of QbD in Pharmaceutical Research" organized by Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India in association with Kamla Nehru College of Pharmacy Butibori, Nagpur on May 23, 2023.
Attended the TOEFL iBT Program Information session organized by TOEFL Program ETS, India on 16th Dec 2022.
Successfully completed National One week FDP on "ICT Tools for Effective Teaching Learning” conducted 29th May to 3rd June 2023.
Participated in three days "Train the Trainers” workshop conducted by the Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India Women's Forum, Maharashtra State Branch in collaboration With SCES’s Indira College of Pharmacy, Pune on 2nd , 3rd and 4th May, 2023.
Won second prizein the "AICTE sponsored one week STTP course on"Exploring Herbal Domain through Newer Techniques: Approach and Applications"organized by R.C.Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research from December 2-7, 2019.
Successfully completed Two week's workshop as Certification Program on "Business Analytics” organized by SVKM’s NMIMS, MPSTME, and Shirpur campus from 22nd April -7th May 2019.
Completed certification course of 6 weeks online course and stood Top performer with 99.3% for the course on "Teach English Now! Second Language Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation” a course authorized by Arizona State University and offered through Coursera in Dec 2018.
Completed certification course and Stood Top performer in the FDP conducted in course "Mentoring Educator in Educational Technology (FDP301x)” conducted by IIT Bombay from 17 May to 27 June 2018 Result received on December 5, 2018.

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