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Dr. Prashant Kurkute

Dr. Prashant Kurkute

Assistant professor

Qualification              :  M. Pharm., Ph.D.

Specialization             : Chemistry

E mail                         : prashant.kurkute@nmims.edu

Phone                         : 022-42332000 (Extn-2093)

Experience                 :  Project fellow at IICB Kolkata (CSIR unit) for 3 Years

I used the expanding genetic code to understand the biological meanings of the ubiquitin-SUMO2 linkage.

I worked on designing and synthesizing the anti-cancerous, cell-penetrating, and microtubules assembly inhibitor small peptides and peptoids using solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS). I used computational techniques like molecular dynamics  to understand the peptide self-assembly and peptide-cell membrane interactions.


Interest areas:

  • Expanding genetic code,
  • Protein chemistry,
  • Ubiquitin and Deubiquitinase (USP7),
  • Peptide and Peptidomimetics,
  • Medicinal Chemistry.
  • Computational work (Docking and Molecular Dynamics)


  • Publications – Total number (International- 12)
  • Books- 0
  • Book Chapters-0
  • Patents- 0
  • Presentations- International- 4
  • Government funded projects – No
  • Industry projects- No

Conferences/Workshops/Seminars attended- 4

Academic activities

No M.Pharm and Ph.D. student guided


NIPER-JEE Scholarship (2010-2012) for M.S. study at NIPER

GATE-CSIR fellowship (2012-2015) at Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB), Kolkata

TIGP (Taiwan International Graduate Program)-PhD Fellowship (2016-2022)

TIGP (Taiwan International Graduate Program)-Research Performance Fellowship (2019)

Professional Memberships: No

Recent Publications

  1. Yane-Shih Wang*, Kuen-Phon Wu*, Han-Kai Jiang, Prashant Kurkute, Ruey-Hwa Chen* Branched Ubiquitination: Detection Methods, Biological Functions and Chemical Synthesis. Molecules, 2020, 25 (21), 5200.
  2. Han-Kai Jiang, Prashant Kurkute, Chien-Lung Li, Yi-Hui Wang, Pei-Jung Chen, Shu-Yu Lin, and Yane-Shih Wang*, Revealing USP7 Deubiquitinase Substrate Specificity by Unbiased Synthesis of Ubiquitin Tagged SUMO2. Biochemistry, 2020, 59 (40), 3796-3801. ( equally contributed to the article)
  3. Han-Kai Jiang, Yi-Hui Wang, Jui-Hun Weng, Kurkute Prashant, Chien-Lung Li, Man-Nee Lee, Pei-Jung Chen, Hsueh-Wei Tseng, Ming-Daw Tsai, Yane-Shih Wang*, Probing the Active Site of Deubiquitinase USP30 with Noncanonical Tryptophan Analogues. Biochemistry, 2020, 59 (24), 2205-2209.
  4. Tanushree Mahata, Prasenjit Mondal, Debmalya Bhunia, Somen Nandi, Prashant Kurkute, Kankan Bhattacharyya, and Surajit Ghosh*, Self-Assembly of Antimitotic Peptide at Membranes: Computational and Experimental Investigation. ACS Omega,2019, 4 (1), 745-754.
  5. Jana Batakakrishna, Mondal Prasenjit, Saha Abhijit, Adak Anindyasundar, Das Gaurav, Mohapatra Saswat, Prashant Kurkute, Ghosh Surajit*, Designed tetrapeptide interacts with tubulin and microtubule. Langmuir, 2018, 34 (3), 1123-1132.
  6. Bhunia Debmalya, Mohapatra Saswat, Prashant Kurkute, Subhajit Ghosh, Jana Batakakrishna, Mondal Prasenjit, Saha Abhijit, Das Gaurav, Ghosh Surajit*, Novel tubulin-targeted cell penetrating antimitotic octapeptide. Chem Commun., 2016, 52, 12657-12660.
  7. Saha Abhijit, Mohapatra Saswat, Prashant Kurkute, Jana Batakrishna, Mondal Prasenjit, Debmalya Bhunia, Subhajit Ghosh, and Ghosh Surajit*, Interaction of Aβ peptide with tubulin causes inhibition of tubulin polymerization and apoptotic death of cancer cells. Commun., 2015, 51, 2249-2252.
  8. Biswas Atanu, Prashant Kurkute, Saleem Suraiya, Jana Batakrishna, Mohapatra Saswat, Mondal Prasenjit, Adak Anindyasundar, Subhajit Ghosh, Saha Abhijit, Bhunia Debmalya, Biswas Subhash Chandra and Ghosh Surajit*, Novel hexapeptide interacts with tubulin and microtubules, inhibits Aβ fibrillation, and shows significant neuroprotection. ACS Chem. Neurosci., 2015, 6, 1309-1316.
  9. Biswas Atanu, Prashant Kurkute, Jana Batakrishna, Laskar Aparna, and Ghosh Surajit*, Amyloid inhibitor octapeptide forms amyloid type fibrous aggregate and affect in microtubule motility. Commun., 2014, 50, 2604-2607.
  10. Khanna Shruti, Jana, Batakrishna, Saha Abhijit, Prashant Kurkute, Ghosh Surajit*, and Verma Sandip*, Targeting cytotoxicity and tubulin polymerization by metal-carbene complexes on a purine tautomer platform. Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 9838-9842.
  11. Biswas Atanu, Saha Abhijit, Jana Batakrishna, Prashant Kurkute, Mondal Gautam, and Ghosh Surajit*, A biotin micropatterned surface generated by photodestruction serves as a novel platform for microtubule organisation and DNA hybridisation. , 2013, 14, 689–694.
  12. Jana Batakrishna, Mondal Gautam, Biswas Atanu, Chakraborty Indrani, Saha Abhijit, Prashant Kurkute, and Ghosh Surajit*, Dual functionalized graphene oxide serves as a carrier for delivering oligohistidine and biotin-tagged biomolecules into cells. Biosci., 2013, 13, 1478-1484.


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