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Dr. Richie R. Bhandare, Assistant Professor at Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, SPP School of Pharmacy and Technology Management of NMIMS, Mumbai, bagged The Best Poster award at the "International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC)-2014,”held at Mauritius during June 23-27, 2014. Participants from 27 countries attended and presented their research work. The theme of the conference was ‘Crystallising Ideas: The Role of Chemistry’ based on the declaration of the Year 2014 as the International Year of Crystallography. 

He presented his work in a poster entitled "Investigational analysis using pharmacophore and docking studies on five-substituted 3,3-diethyl-4,5-dihydro-2(3H)-furanones and their homologs targeted as muscarinic receptor” It was a collaborative work between SPPSPTM and Daniel J. Canney Ph.D from School of Pharmacy and Moulder Center for Drug Discovery Research (MCDDR) at Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. 

Dr. Richie received a travel award of Rs. 83,550/- from Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for presenting his research work at the conference. Many students and researchers world-wide, who work in this area, have benefited from the ICMR travel Awards and Grants programmes to further their research work.

Dr. Richie at International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC)-2014, Mauritius


Ms. Sona Warrier, PhD Scholar at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, SPP School of Pharmacy and Technology Management of NMIMS, Mumbai, bagged The Best Poster award at International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC)-2014, Mauritius. Participants from a total of 27 countries attended and presented their research work during the conference. The theme of the conference was ‘Crystallising Ideas: The Role of Chemistry’ based on the declaration of the Year 2014  as the  International Year of Crystallography. 

Ms. Sona presented her work in a poster entitled "Inverse Virtual Screening in Drug Repositioning: Detailed Investigation and Case Studies”. She was mentored by Dr. Prashant S. Kharkar, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, SPPSPTM, SVKM’s NMIMS. Drug repositioning or repurposing involves finding new uses for the old drugs. It is one of the latest trends in the drug discovery area. Computational repositioning is an area in which Dr Kharkar’s research group is currently working on.

She received grant of Rs 20,000 from The Centre for International Co-operation in Science (CICS) and 1150$ from Chemical Structure Association (CSA) trust for this presentation.

Ms. Sona at International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC)-2014, Mauritius


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