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In order to save a life and make people aware about the significance, procedure and process required for organ donation, Kshamta, social responsibility forum of SPP SPTM, organized an organ donation awareness camp.

Every year the graph of mortality due to organ failure is elevated in India. 5Lakh people die every year in India waiting for organ donors. Only 3% people waiting for kidney donors actually get one. 1Lakh people are on the waiting list for corneal transplant at any given time. This adversity can easily be mended by a simple organ transplant. Due to very few organ donators, sometimes none, people die untimely and uncalled deaths. 

The awareness camp took place on 16th August, 2014 which included street play performed by Kshamta team members. The play was a team attempt that concerned the unrolling of cognizance regarding this subject among mass of all age group. The venues selected by Kshamta for the mini skit portrayal were, Mithibai College Canteen and in Oberoi Mall, Goregaon.

The street play underlined points like lack of interest in organ donation from people, myths and facts associated with organ donation, importance of organ donation and its aid on an appreciable scale. Registration details were provided subsequently. 

Details regarding various facilities available were also conveyed through the street play. Posters noting awareness were made to use which included slogans like "Don’t take your organs to heaven God know we need it here”, "Live life and pass it on” and some more similar ones were used which attracted the majority. People registered themselves as donors under the ZTCC, Zonal Transplant Coordination Center, which was our partner during this event. Donor cards, pamphlets and leaflets were provided to the people who provided them information about donating their organs.

The Kshamta team was dressed in black with green ribbons pinned, holding banners which contributed in grasping attention. People registered for donation on an appreciable count. The event was a great success and the purpose of the event was accomplished.

Street play conducted in the Mithibai College Canteen




Street play conducted at Oberoi Mall, Goregaon.




Eye Donation Awareness Camp

Kshamata has organized guest lecture on Eye & organ donation at SPPSPTM in collaboration with Eye Bank Coordination & Research Centre Parel to create awareness about Eye & other Organ Donation.

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