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On the occasion of World Environment Day-2018 (June 5, 2018), we at SPPSPTM took the initiative to spread awareness of the damage done by the use of plastic in our day-to-day routine. The Extracurricular committee of SPPSPTM took the onus to spearhead the campaign and to educate the populace through social media platforms viz., Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp about the damaging effects of plastic on environment and sharing the tips to avoid the same.

The campaign witnessed wholehearted participation by the faculty and student community who through their social media accounts sensitized the society about the World Environment Day.


Throughout the day, student community shared posts on social media platforms to show innovative ways to recycle plastic products.


For encouraging more participation, students started a movement with the hashtag #SPPSPTMsupportsplasticban, wherein it encouraged tagging of three friends in every post. Besides this, students were encouraged to share innovative taglines and pictorial depictions to sensitize the society-at-large.


The highlight of the campaign was the inspiring posts from the school administrative staff, Mr. Mangesh Lanjekar and faculty, Dr. Prashant Kharkar who through their own imitable ways educated us about the alternative options; earthenware bottles and paper bags to plastics.


Overall, this campaign was successful in reaching out to society through students and faculty and to inspire people to be a part of an initiative which is to Be the change and Save our environment!

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